Weight: 259.6  (+0.6 lbs)

Mood:  Feeling so much better!  I think I’ve finally beat this head cold.  DH (Dear husband) and I have done really well on this fast the last week. We haven’t felt unduly hungry, and while the shakes can be a little gritty, their taste is pleasant.  The other day I heated my chocolate shake up on the stove as hot chocolate – it was really comforting.  The “pre-cleanse” drink tastes an awful lot like mild orange juice.  I’ve also noticed during the last 6 days that gotten satiated much faster during dinner than before.

DH has asked me to fast a little longer with him while he is going through a job interview, so we’ve decided to do the 7 day fast for another week.  For the next three days, however, we are also going to fast from the dinner portion of the plan.  Instead, we are going to replace the regular meal with a raw meal.  Today, we are going to make green smoothies.  My husband also wants to try a recipe we found from Living Raw Food, the Pineapple Cilantro Shake.

Once we’ve made these, I’ll post pictures and reviews (although we’ve had the green smoothie already and it IS SO GOOD!).