Tag Archive: healthy detox

Day 7 Weight: 260.6 (+1.0 lbs)

Day8 Weight: 258.6 (-2.0 lbs)

7 Day Fast, Total Loss: -6.4 lbs

Product Review

What is in the Kit?

The GNC Total Lean 7 Day Fast Loss Kit comes in a neat little box for about $50.  Included are 7 vitamin packs, 7 chocolate flavored meal replacement mixes, 7 vanilla flavored meal replacement mixes, and 7 orange flavored “pre-cleanse” drinks.

A pamphlet lays out the benefits of each item – vitamins, meal-replacement, and pre-cleanse – each combining to boost your body into fat fighting mode before undergoing a full fledged diet.  The pamphlet also includes a 1500 calorie a day meal plan as well as exercise recommendations.

Following the plan as it is laid out, you would start the morning by taking the vita-pak along with breakfast or one of the shakes.  The vita-pak includes a green tea pill, 2 water pills, and 2 “Burn 60” pills.  Basically, these pills enhance energy, boost metabolism, and help shed water weight.

The Pills

I was a little skeptical about taking a water pill everyday, mostly because I didn’t see the point.  Everyone knows that water weight is the first to go in a diet, right?  Well, that is true, but the reason our body retains water is because it has become toxic – through the environment we live in as well as the foods that we eat.

The body feels like it needs to hold on to the water to survive.  The premise with the water pills is that the body will release the excess water, and our jobs is to replenish the water through better eating and drinking habits.

The Menu

The GNC associate that helped remind me of this also shared with my husband and I that he had followed the fast.  He recommended that we simply ingest the components of the kit plus one healthy meal each day.  He also let us know that adding milk made the supplement more substantial as a meal re-placer, and suggested that we take a multi-vitamin as part of our daily regime.

My husband took most of his meal replacement shakes with milk; I didn’t hear him say anything negative about the taste, so I assume he preferred drinking them that way.  For the most part, I drank my shakes with approximately 8 oz of filtered water.

When mixed with milk, the shake is much “thicker” in consistency.  Very fibrous, almost.  I’m not sure how to better describe it; it was less pleasant than I expected.

Adding ice to my morning shake made it very pleasant, and heating up the shake for a “hot chocolate” was also quite nice.   Depending on the type of milk you consume, you are talking about adding 90-150 calories per “meal”.

Taking just the meal supplements during the day gave you 360 calories (with 1% milk, 540 calories).  Following the 1500 calorie diet, you had a deficit of 1140 calories.  To me, that is insurmountable for 1 meal, assuming the goal is to have a healthy meal.

My husband and I both added 2 small snacks to our day, ranging from 100-200 calories each.  Dinner was a reasonable salad with soup or sandwich.  I would estimate that we ate somewhere between 1000-1300 calories per day.

My husband was quite hungry the first day, but I noticed that he adjusted pretty quickly to the regimen.   I also felt the same hunger for the first day or two.

To fight the hunger pangs, we both increased our water intake during this time.  I usually drink about a gallon of water a day (sounds like a lot, but it’s only 128 ounces).  My husband and I supplemented our water intake with the following:

– Green Tea/Peppermint Tea:  A citrus-y, hot green tea really helped calmed my stomach when I was hungry.  Normally, I add sugar to my tea but I found “Mandarin Orange Green Tea” by Lipton to be great by itself.  Peppermint (or mint in general) is a great deterrent from hunger, so both of us reached for a hot cup of mint tea in the evening.

– Superfoods Supreme, by GNC:  I don’t know that this helped with hunger but it’s a powder that you mix with water, so drinking the extra water helped with filling up the tummy.  There is some fiber in mix that also lends to a full feeling.  Increasing green food in my diet has been a goal of mine, so doing the fast was as good an excuse as any to add it in.  I finally remembered why it was a good idea to add green food to my diet, which I’ll share in a later post.

The “Cleanse”

At the end of each day, we mixed the orange pre-cleanse concentrate with water and drank it up.  The cleanse is intended to gently flush out toxins and clean your colon.  This may be T.M.I so feel free to skip this part if you don’t want to know about it.

Gas.  That is what you can expect while taking the “pre-cleanse” drinks.  And…it can be stinky!  All of the products in the Fast Loss Kit are fiber-packed, so what else would you expect?  The cleanse also helps regulate your system, but I didn’t notice anything excessive (like a famous lemonade cleanse warns about).

The citrus-y, refreshing flavor of the “pre-cleanse” drinks was probably the most looked-forward to part of the day for me.  I could probably drink it every day.  Not that I’m recommending that, because I’m not sure what the effects would be.  It just tastes that good.


Weight loss of a certain level was not a goal for this week, and 6 pounds is a little shocking.  I was expecting more like 2 pounds.

I was hoping more for a “reset,” to get my mind and my body in line with eating less calories and being more conscious of what I am doing to myself everyday in terms of nourishment.  I know I have a long way to go, but this was definitely a step in the right direction!

I would recommend the kit for use by anyone wanting to kick start a healthy eating regime.

Weight: 259.6  (+0.6 lbs)

Mood:  Feeling so much better!  I think I’ve finally beat this head cold.  DH (Dear husband) and I have done really well on this fast the last week. We haven’t felt unduly hungry, and while the shakes can be a little gritty, their taste is pleasant.  The other day I heated my chocolate shake up on the stove as hot chocolate – it was really comforting.  The “pre-cleanse” drink tastes an awful lot like mild orange juice.  I’ve also noticed during the last 6 days that gotten satiated much faster during dinner than before.

DH has asked me to fast a little longer with him while he is going through a job interview, so we’ve decided to do the 7 day fast for another week.  For the next three days, however, we are also going to fast from the dinner portion of the plan.  Instead, we are going to replace the regular meal with a raw meal.  Today, we are going to make green smoothies.  My husband also wants to try a recipe we found from Living Raw Food, the Pineapple Cilantro Shake.

Once we’ve made these, I’ll post pictures and reviews (although we’ve had the green smoothie already and it IS SO GOOD!).

Weight: 259 (-0.8 lbs)

Mood: I am still fighting off this cold, but I can’t believe the impact this fast has had.  My husband has also noticed weight loss; he’s told me he’s lost about 5 lbs so far this week.

I am hesitant about so much water weight loss, so I hope that at the end of the week we can take the momentum we’ve created here to push us onward.

GNC 7 Day Fast Loss – Day 4

Weight: 259.8 (-.8 lbs)

Mood: Much better than yesterday.  I took some Nyquil, so I’m getting this germ-y stuff out.  I did not take the Superfoods supplement yesterday, and my water intake was lower than normal.  Overall, I am very surprised with the results so far.  I think that my excess salt intake over the last month or so in playing into this large weight loss (from retained water), but I’m definitely going to take what I can get!

Weight: 260.6 (-2.0 lbs)

Mood: So Tired!  It probably has nothing to do with the fast, I seem to have caught some sort of head congestion bug.  😦

Not much to report today, as I am not feeling well.  Still planning on completing my regimine for today.

GNC 7 Day Fast Loss – Day 2

Weight: 262.6 (-2.4 lbs)

Mood: like a small snowball beginning a descent on Mount Everest.

My weight already fluctuates by 2-3 pounds everyday, so this is not unusual, but I’ll take it!  I’m very interested to see what the difference is in my weight day-to-day on this GNC plan vice my normal daily work week.

**Update:  While I am completing the Fast Loss, I am also taking a multi-vitamin as well as a SuperFoods supplement.

GNC Total Lean 7 Day Fast Loss

Weight:  265.0 (+7.6)

Mood:  😥

The following isn’t going to seem very related to the subject of my post, but in the interest of keeping myself accountable through my struggle, I need to summarize recent events first!

I think the number in red says it all.  I need help; more help than I can give myself obviously.  My husband did me a huge favor and contacted the medical facility where I participated in the weight loss fast and found out some great information, so I will follow up on that this week.

Where did I go wrong (lessons learned)?

First, I wasn’t diligent in my calorie tracking.   Tracking at work is easy enough, but once I got home it was a completely different story.  I over indulged and tracking was not a word in my vocabulary.  Also, I haven’t been exercising.

My husband and I went to Santa Barbara this weekend.  It was picturesque, as usual, but meant “eating out” for every meal.  By the end of the weekend, I was definitely feeling the effects of my “celebration of food.” 

– My hands were swollen from all the salt/water retention

– I felt bloated

– I gained weight (Surprise!)

So where does “GNC Total Lean 7 Day Fast Loss” come in? 

Well, my husband saw the kit online and was interested in using it as a “fast.”  Remember when I mentioned going on a fast here?  Well, my “detox” isn’t working (read: I’m bucking my own system!) and my husband wasn’t participating in it at all, so this is something we can do together.

Today marks our first day on the kit, and each day you take the following:

– a complement of pills taken in the morning: Green Tea Complex (for enhanced metabolism), 2 Waterex(for maintaining water balance), 2 burn 60 (for burning calories and increased energy)

– 2 daily shakes at 180 calories each, which the GNC guy recommended we mix with milk (for about 280 calories each).  This is supposed to be combined with a sensible meal plan totalling 1500 calories per day.

– 1 Pre-Diet Cleanse drink to be taken at night.  The GNC guy told us that it tasted like OJ.  The drink is a fiber, fruit, and veggie based toxin cleanser and nourisher.

I know I need this kick in the pants, so I’m really hopeful that doing this together with my husband will get us up and going!

Detox Update – Week 1

My husband and I have been doing the detox for a week now.  I think that my brain (or subconscious anyway) likes to think of this as a detox, because I did a really good job at keeping at it.  Weekends are still tough, I still have 5 weeks left.

As mentioned in my last post, I stayed as close as possible to a 1200 calorie eating regime – balanced to the food pyramid and without unneccessary fats, salts, and sugars.  Even though my husband and I veered off this weekend, I am very excited that I have been able to lose weight this week. 

I weighed myself everyday this week because, as you can see from my previous posts,  I have fluctuated quite a bit from week to week.  My goal is for this detox to help curb that and help me have lasting loss over the next 4 weeks, then continuing throughout the rest of the year.

To kick off the second week of my detox, I am adding my 10,000 steps goal.  Yes, I mentioned earlier that my daily number of steps have been sorely lacking – left to my own devices, I am embarrassingly sedentary.  I have been wearing my pedodmeter and marking my daily steps since that post, but I have not really gotten serious about meeting my 10K goal.  On average, I would say I’ve gotten about 2500 steps during the week.  Even less on the weekend.  Yeah, it’s bad.  But I’m putting all this out there because I need to be brutally honest with myself.

So this morning I woke my poor husband up at 10 til 5 for a trip to the gym.  After waking ourselves up and dragging ourselves down to the workout area of our apartment complex, we worked out for about 30 minutes.  I choose the cardio program on the treadmill that is provided.  Level 1 offered walking/running between 2.0 mph and 4.8 mph.  I think this is perfect for me because I still have that goal of a 10k in June and the program provided me with both walking and running during the 25 minute session.

Weigh In: 257.4 lbs (-1.6 lbs)